Under The Canvas

Mini documentaries of artists from around the world

Category: Mexico

History through Tututepec’s Mural

The Tututepec Mural lies in the cultural center in the heart of Tututepec, a historic town in Oaxaca, Mexico. Painter Elezar Sanchez Aguilar took it upon himself to document its…

The Tututepec Mural lies in the cultural center in the heart of Tututepec, a historic town in Oaxaca, Mexico. Painter Elezar Sanchez Aguilar took it upon himself to document its history through art. The 3-story mural took 5 years to complete and finished in 2018.

During our time in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca we befriended Kiko who took an interest in our project and recommended we check out an artist finishing up a mural in his hometown Tututepec. We met Elezar Sanchez who has spent the last 5 years painting a mural that represented 3 different cultures that had lived in this historic town. It’s the biggest piece of work he’s done along with the responsibility of portraying history through art. He shows us the importance of his work as well as the challenging aspects of creating such an important and massive piece.

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Bertha Liduvina how art has helped her transform though various stages in life

Bertha Liduvina lives in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. An artist and creator throughout her life but newly discovered how her work has helped her through various periods of change and growth…

Bertha Liduvina lives in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. An artist and creator throughout her life but newly discovered how her work has helped her through various periods of change and growth in her life. Now in her 60’s, she has found new inspiration and meaning to her work.

We arrived in Puerto Escondido and had just settled into our Airbnb ready to begin working on our next episode. Our host Betty knocked on our door unexpectedly and invited us to join her on her Palapa for some mezcal. Since we were always in the mood to drink mezcal and interact with new people we were pleasantly surprised to find she herself is a creator in poetry and music. While Betty never quite pursued art as a career, it has always been a part of her life, and now in her early 60’s she has processed its various stages and meanings and growth. We shared so many wonderful conversations with her about life and art that by the end of our time in Puerto Escondido we couldn’t find a reason not to invite her to be a part of our series. We hope Betty’s episode will inspire those to continue to create no matter what stage of life you’re in, and to help those understand the true importance of creating art. Enjoy episode 13.

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Carlos Bautistab, tattoo and print artist while living in San Jose del Pacifico, Oaxaca

Carlos Bautistab, print maker and tattoo artist makes beautiful work inspired by the nature that surrounds his home. While living remotely can be limiting such as acquiring supplies, electricity and…

Carlos Bautistab, print maker and tattoo artist makes beautiful work inspired by the nature that surrounds his home. While living remotely can be limiting such as acquiring supplies, electricity and resources, Bautistab still found a way to teach himself the necessary tools of becoming a tattoo artist. 

While making our way to Oaxaca we were researching which artists we wanted to feature. Carlos’s work came up through an instagram search and we immediately gravitated towards his work. Located in San Jose del Pacifico (about a 3-4 hour windy bus ride away into the mountains) we arrived at a small remote town hidden in the clouds, though small and tucked away we were surprised at how many backpackers knew of its existence. Tattoo work and etching are Carlos’s two loves which balance his fast paced mind, though being located in the woods has its drawbacks to its resources, it doesn’t stop this man from accomplishing his goals. Watch episode 12 and enjoy learning about how Carlos pursued his passion despite its seemingly limitations.



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Inside the world of sculpture artist Yoni Gomez

Yoni Gomez is a creative and gifted sculpture artist whose complex work are many representations of his thoughts, emotions and stages in life.  When we went to interview Paulina Jaimes…

Yoni Gomez is a creative and gifted sculpture artist whose complex work are many representations of his thoughts, emotions and stages in life. 

When we went to interview Paulina Jaimes we were floored by the work her boyfriend (Yoni Gomez) did as well. They  had turned their apartment into two separate work studios to provide for both of their creative careers. We were overly booked with artists for CDMX but couldn’t turn away from Yoni’s work and so decided to squeeze one more in. It was really interesting getting to know how Yoni utilizes his knowledge of various artistic techniques to accomplish work that pleases him, despite the ideas of what others might consider his work to be. 



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Artists Kikyz1313 and Rodrigo Cifuentes give us an honest look into being full time artists

 Kikyz1313 and Rodrigo Cifuentes have both been internationally recognized and gain much popularity in their art. Here they give us a honest and insider look to the realities of both…

 Kikyz1313 and Rodrigo Cifuentes have both been internationally recognized and gain much popularity in their art. Here they give us a honest and insider look to the realities of both being full time artists. 

Located North of CDMX Kikyz1313 and Rodrigo Cifuentes reside in Querétaro with their two adorable cats (the black and white one was more interested in us) and both pursue their careers in art. Rodrigo is an oil painter while Kikyz uses various materials such as graphite, pastels and watercolor. Both are incredibly talented in their own that we decided to try something new with their episode and focus on each person individually while also interviewing them together as a couple. They both gave us great insight into the true nature of being full time artists, watch video below! Enjoy!




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Rodrigo Cifuentes

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Painter Paulina Jaimes: exploring mediums and being a portrait artist

Paulina Jaimes is a fantastic painter working with various mediums. While painting comes easily to her, she still finds new ways to enhance her skills as an artist and to…

Paulina Jaimes is a fantastic painter working with various mediums. While painting comes easily to her, she still finds new ways to enhance her skills as an artist and to always evolve and learn. Paulina lives in the heart of Mexico City and is more widely known for her oil and watercolor paintings. 

In the center of Mexico City is Paulina Jaimes Pintora’s art studio/home surrounded by a collection of her artwork. Texture and light are what she loves to highlight in her work, being the daughter of two painters she grew up learning how to work the materials naturally. She opened up to us about how she experiments with various techniques (some of which are considered very ancient), so naturally we wanted to know more. We figured for the artists community it was important to encourage others to always continually explore and be a student in something new. Paulina opened up about how exploration helped her specifically better achieve her vision and the various benefits of having multiple mediums to work with.


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Photographer Floria Gonzalez: the inside look behind her photo shoots

Floria Gonzalez is a photographer and videographer based in Mexico City. Her photographs require a lot of time, preparation, and experience. Here we were able to go behind the scenes…

Floria Gonzalez is a photographer and videographer based in Mexico City. Her photographs require a lot of time, preparation, and experience. Here we were able to go behind the scenes with her and witness the amount of work that goes into putting together a photo shoot. 

When looking at Floria Gonzalez’s work we not only fell in love with the creativity within her work but also the mystery of everything behind it, we were told she didn’t use photoshop very much which made us question how she managed to accomplish certain aspects, we couldn’t wait to interview her! 

During our time with Floria we not only had the amazing opportunity to watch and film one of her photoshoots, giving us huge insight to how one image becomes a full production. Watch her episode to learn more! 


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Graphite artist Mateo Pizarro: obsession with detail and light

Graphite artist Mateo Pizarro has raw talent in his ability to put the finest details in his graphite drawings. During his interview, he opened up to us about obsession with…

Graphite artist Mateo Pizarro has raw talent in his ability to put the finest details in his graphite drawings. During his interview, he opened up to us about obsession with capturing light and detail in his work while also following inspiration and creativity whenever it hits. 

We were so excited to have a graphite artist included into this series, Mateo Pizzaro, is a Colombian artist, living in Mexico. His drawings while typically small, have an incredible amount of detail in them and we were amazed of such a meticulous technique. For him, he sees the world in a very up close and personal way which reflects the type of work that he does. Enjoy Episode 7!


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Art duo Escoto + Carrara collaborating together as both artists and couple

Escoto + Carrara collaborate and bring together stunning photographs and oil paintings. They consider themselves as one artist but each bring their own individual talents to produce a look that…

Escoto + Carrara collaborate and bring together stunning photographs and oil paintings. They consider themselves as one artist but each bring their own individual talents to produce a look that is uniquely both of them. Check out their interview below and see how they manage to balance their personal relationship with one another while also making art together. 

Federico Escoto and Roberto Carrara live a little outside of the main city, we arrived at their house decorated with colorful walls and a kitchen surrounded by large windows overlooking a luscious green backyard. They rent their home from an architect so art surrounds them providing a quiet and inspirational place to work, Roberto is the photographer while Federico paints in oil. They found many years ago that they not only collaborated well as artists, but also as partners in life. We had not thought about interviewing a couple that worked together on the same piece as well as have a romantic relationship, the subject alone in itself was interesting enough and we enjoyed learning how they manage to balance work and life with one another.


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Interview with oil painter Abraham Jimenez describes his connection to his art and the importance of being a teacher

Oil painter Abraham Jimenez is a perfectionist who is deeply connected to each of his art pieces. In his interview he describes the importance of being an art teacher and…

Oil painter Abraham Jimenez is a perfectionist who is deeply connected to each of his art pieces. In his interview he describes the importance of being an art teacher and passing on knowledge while also giving us insight to how most artists can feel when producing and letting go of their work. 

Neither of us had heard of Abraham Jimenez, but after meeting Horacio (Episode 4),  we became good friends and he pointed us in the direction of several incredible artists in Mexico, one of them, being Abraham. In Xochomilico, just south of the city, we were greeted warmly by his family and friends. We enjoyed getting to know one another and taking the time to look at his incredible work. His most recent work had us floored in the amount of detail and work that went into each piece. His canvases are huge and look like photographs but are instead all oil paintings. Though there was a language barrier, Abraham has a warm and humorous personality and so easy to connect with. What was most special was feeling so close to someone without having to exchange many words. 



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